Performer Application

Over the years, Moksha Canada Foundation (Moksha) has provided events and festivals that promote diversity, inclusion and unity in communities around Ontario. These events focus on "bridging today for a brighter tomorrow". Moksha events promote international gathering places for performing and visual artists, and ethnic community groups.

“ After validation the application form, you will be registered in our database. Thank you for your interest in working with Moksha Canada Foundation. ”

Personal Details

Main Contact Person

Performer Details

Fashion Show Modelling
Story Telling
Diversity Festival
Afro-Caribbean Festival
Toronto Zoo
South by South East

Your Social Media Profiles

Website URL Address Link
All Participants agree:
  • All registered program participation will be confirmed by Moksha Canada.
  • All future correspondence will be sent to the contact person listed above.
  • Any photos or footage from these events may be used for advertising or promotional purposes.
  • Moksha Canada Foundation reserves the right to accept or decline registrations from groups for participation in the event. Their decision is final and no further correspondence will be entered into.

Personal Details

I agree:
  • As a volunteer, I/my participating child understand that the scope of volunteer's relationship with Moksha Canada Foundation (MCF) is limited to a volunteer position and that no compensation is expected in return for services provided by Volunteer; that MCF will not provide any benefits traditionally associated with employment to Volunteer; and that Volunteer is responsible for his/her own insurance coverage in the event of personal injury or illness as a result of Volunteer's services to MCF.
  • I/my participating child hereby agree that the above information is correct to the best of my/our knowledge am/are aware that volunteering at any Moksha Canada Foundation events involves inherent risks which are above and beyond the control of Moksha Canada Foundation, and I/we voluntarily and knowingly acknowledge, accept and assume these risks.
  • I/my participating child therefore hereby release the Moksha Canada Foundation and its agents, officials, employees, volunteers and contractors from any and all liability, actions or lawsuits arising from any activity relating to the event, howsoever caused.
  • I/we grant and convey to Moksha Canada Foundation (MCF) all rights, titles, and interests, usage in all media platforms in any and all photographs, images, video, or audio recordings of me or my likeness or voice made by MCF in connection with my providing volunteer services to MCF and any associated or hosted events by Moksha Canada Foundation.

Personal Details

Social Media Handle(s)
Website URL Address Link
All Participants agree:
  • I understand and give consent to any photography/videography present at the show, to take pictures and/or videos of me for the event’s presentation & promotion purposes. I understand that I will act responsibly and will not be disrespectful of the event organizers/vendors/ or other models.
  • I understand & grant Moksha Canada Foundation to record video for event.
  • I hereby grant Moksha Canada Foundation the full rights to use & distribute the images &/or videos taken at the event for promotional purposes of the event.
  • I understand that I may be terminated from event at any time if my behavior becomes unacceptable or if any of the agreements listed above have been broken.

Personal Details

Diversity Festival
Afro-Caribbean Festival
Toronto Zoo
South by South East

Personal Details


All Participants agree:
  • I agree to be a model at Moksha Canada Foundation’s Diversity Festival Event . I understand this is a voluntary position and will not be compensated monetary for my participation during this event.
  • I agree to walk the ramp & participate in photoshoots as needed by my designers for the shows. I commit to being on-time for rehearsals, costume fittings & the day of the show – and if I’m unable to do so, I will inform the model coordinator or the organizer immediately.
  • I understand and give consent to any photography/videography present at the show, to take pictures and/or videos of me for the event’s presentation & promotion purposes. I understand that I will act responsibly and will not be disrespectful of the event organizers/vendors/ or other models.
  • I hereby grant Moksha Canada Foundation the full rights to use & distribute the images &/or videos taken at the event for promotional purposes of the event.
  • I understand that I may be terminated from this show at any time if my behavior becomes unacceptable or if any of the agreements listed above have been broken.

Personal Details

Social Media Handle(s)
Website URL Address Link
All Participants agree:
  • I understand and give consent to anyphotography/videography present at the show, to take pictures and/or videos of me for theevent’s presentation & promotion purposes. I understand that I will act responsibly and will not be disrespectful of the eventorganizers/vendors/ or other models.
  • I understand & grant Moksha Canada Foundation to record video for event which I join as speaker.
  • I hereby grant Moksha Canada Foundation the full rights to use & distribute the images &/or videos taken at the event for promotional purposes of the event.
  • I understand that I may be terminated from this show at any time if my behavior becomes unacceptable or if any of the agreements listed above have been broken.

Personal Details

I agree:
  • I hereby understand that by giving my information, I consent to photos\videos being taken of myself to be used for Moksha Canada’s Website and Bell Let’s Talk Series for promotional use.

Personal Details

I agree:
  • I hereby understand that by giving my information, I consent to photos\videos being taken of myself to be used for Moksha Canada’s Website.


Thank you for sharing feedback with Moksha Canada Foundation.

I agree:
  • • I hereby understand that by giving my information, I consent to be communicated by Moksha Canada Foundation regarding these feedback.

Toronto Diversity Festival

Thank you for sharing feedback with Moksha Canada Foundation.